Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Your Doctor Thinks You're Crazy and You're Making it Worse

You’re sick all the time with a chronic illness but your doctor doesn’t believe you. He’s run every test, checked and rechecked your medical records, and seen you dozens of times in the office. It doesn’t seem to matter how verbal you are, how much information you bring or how much “evidence” you pile up. He’s thoroughly convinced you’re insane. The problem is, you’re making it worse.

You might be thinking I’m another skeptic writing an article about how chronic pain and illness doesn’t exist. Just the opposite. From the time I was born to the time I was 22 years old, I was sick every day of my life. I had persistent and rather disgusting digestive issues, candida overgrowth, muscle pain, mental health symptoms, and bruises that wouldn’t go away.

I went to dozens of doctors during that time-period only to be met with cynicism and the belief that I just wanted attention. Could you be reinforcing his belief that you’re not really sick but mentally unwell?

Most Medical Doctors Treat Symptoms and Prescribe Drugs

Before I go into what you might be doing to ensure your doctor is never going to believe what you say, let me start by saying this: Most medical doctors are trained from their early days of medical school to treat symptoms by prescribing drugs.

Hopeful healers start out believing that they’re getting into the medical system to help people. Within a year, they’re burnt out and crushed by a system that is more interested in keeping patients addicted to drugs than actually making them better.

That isn’t to say all medical doctors are like that but a large majority of them are. So when the drug doesn’t work and the symptoms keep coming back, the doctor isn’t sure what to do next. He’s spent years in school learning how to stop symptoms with the right combination of drugs. When the patient is still sick, it must be in her head.

That’s not fair to you. You didn’t ask for your doctor to be educated and trained in this narrow-minded way. But because he is, there are a few things you could be doing to worsen his opinion of you.

Angry, Hysterical Patients Reaffirm the Hypochondriac Diagnosis

Some doctors are so overconfident that they’re right and you’re wrong, they can get downright abusive. When you’re already living with chronic pain, it can take nothing to get you to burst into tears or yell at the doctor who is staring at you smugly from across the room. This only makes things worse.

If a doctor is already convinced your chronic illness is in your head and you start ranting, raving or sobbing, you’re only confirming his belief you have a mental health problem. You have every right to be hurt and angry. Unfortunately, if you show it in this way, he’s going to have an even harder time taking you seriously.

The best way to approach a cynical doctor is calmly and rationally. Tell him exactly what kind of symptoms you’re experiencing, where they are, and how long they’ve been going on. The next time he sends you for blood work, ask him to test for food allergies, vitamin deficiencies, and parasitic or bacterial infection. Standard blood work often misses what could be revealing information about your health.

He may think this request a bit strange but if you remain calm and tell him you just want to rule anything out that might have been missed, he’ll likely agree and send you for the extra tests. If he won’t, ask if he can refer you to someone who will. If that still doesn’t work, it might be time to find a new doctor.

Patients with Chronic Illness Ask for Too Many Drugs

Patients stuck in the “sick care system” of modern America are just as guilty of asking for drugs to treat symptoms as doctors are of prescribing them. Why? When was the last time you got through an entire evening of television watching without seeing some sort of commercial for a drug? We are hard-wired as a society to see synthetic chemicals that suppress symptoms as an effective way to treat disease.

As anyone suffering from chronic illness will tell you, eventually finding a cure isn’t always what you think about. It’s how to get through the next day or even the next minute without terrible pain. Doctors who prescribe narcotic or steroid medications for their chronic pain patients may inadvertently turn them into addicts who need more drugs to get the same effect.

See, it’s really not fair. You’re in pain. Your doctor puts you on a highly-addictive substance and you feel relief. Then, just after a short time on these drugs, he tells you he can’t continue to prescribe them. The pain comes back, more unbearable than ever, and you ask for something, anything to stop it.

Meanwhile, he’s still telling you he doesn’t really know what’s going on with you and won’t give you any tools to really heal.

Out of desperation, you may go to another doctor out of town to get more drugs. This is what’s known as ‘doctor shopping’ and it’s illegal. The trouble is, many chronic pain sufferers are unaware of this and get arrested without knowing what they’ve done wrong. That isn’t to say some don’t do it on purpose to get high but I honestly believe plenty of genuinely sick people just want relief and don’t know what else to do.

The More Doctors You See, The More You Just Want Attention

When I was at the height of my determination to figure out exactly what was wrong with me, I saw a new doctor every week. I sometimes had 5 of them on the go at once. I was willing to put myself through just about every test under the sun to find out why I was always so sick.

To me, seeing a lot of different doctors was the only way I knew how to increase my likelihood that one of them would figure out my problem. To the conventional medical community, however, this behavior could come across as an attention-seeking cry for help.

This is just a viewpoint and shouldn’t discourage you from continuing to get second, third, and even tenth opinions. It’s just important to realize what it might look like and why it’s so difficult to be taken seriously.

Looking Symptoms Up Online is a Double-Edged Sword

When your doctor doesn’t believe you, you look up your symptoms online and become your own best health advocate. When you find something that sounds like your symptoms, you print out the information and hand it to your doctor.

This can give your doctor the idea that you think he’s incompetent and make the doctor-patient relationship that much more strained. A patient who looks up his or her symptoms online may also be referred to as a ‘cyberchondriac’. Not only is the fact that you’re printing out health information from the Internet making him feel stupid, it is also further reinforces his belief that you have some kind of mental illness.

There’s nothing wrong with being your own health advocate. As a matter of fact, you should. However, if you are going to bring in information you’ve found online, make sure it’s from a website your doctor would consider reputable.

Clinical, scientific studies written by medical professionals will be much better-received than random articles from a start-up blog.

Your Diet and Lifestyle are Making You Sick

There isn’t a doctor in the world that can help you if you’re not willing to understand the role you play in your own chronic health problems.
If you’re suffering from any type of chronic illness, your diet and lifestyle play a critical role.

Here’s what I mean:

  • Diet

A junk food diet filled with synthetic additives and preservatives can do serious harm to your health. Your immune system was designed to protect you from viruses, bacteria, and foreign invaders. If you’re eating a diet filled with trans fats, aspartame, food dyes, BHT, BHA, and other chemicals your body can’t process, your immune system will have to work overtime to protect you. This can result in a malfunctioning immune system, autoimmune disease, and chronic inflammation and pain.

That’s why if you suffer from any type of autoimmune or chronic pain condition, you must clean up your diet. Slowly wean off junk food (it’s a drug, you don’t want to give it up cold turkey) and replace it with healthier fare. Organic vegetables, fruit, nuts, nut butters, seeds, beans, meat, poultry, wild-caught fish, and healing fats like coconut oil, olive oil, and butter give you the anti-inflammatory nutrition your body needs to heal.

Food allergies and nutrient deficiencies are two other common dietary causes of autoimmune disease and chronic pain. Gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye is indigestible to 1 out of every 100 people. Cutting it from your diet for a period of 6-8 weeks to see if your symptoms improve could change your life. Nutrient deficiencies can be treated by a whole-food multivitamin, organic vegetable juicing, or both.

  • Environment

Chronic illness is no doubt exacerbated by the incredible array of chemicals in our everyday environment. Cleaning products, cosmetics, air fresheners, fluoride toothpaste, and mercury from vaccines and your water supply can cause low-grade allergic reactions that result in autoimmune disease. The parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, and bleach in your everyday household products are endocrine-disrupting and immune system destroying. The less synthetic chemicals in your environment, the better.

  • Lifestyle

The amount of exercise you get (or don’t get), the amount of alcohol you consume, whether or not you smoke, and the type of drugs you’re taking all have a profound impact on your health. If there’s any part of your lifestyle right now that you’re able to change to relieve your chronic pain, you owe it to yourself to make those changes.

Not Every Doctor Thinks You’re a Hypochondriac

Not every doctor out there thinks you suffer from a mental health problem just because you’re sick and they can’t figure out what’s causing it. As a matter of fact, there are plenty of doctors whose first order of business is to teach you dietary and lifestyle changes that could reverse your chronic disease and eliminate your need for synthetic pain management.

Most naturopathic and many osteopathic doctors treat you like a whole person, not just a series of symptoms. Instead of spending 45 minutes in a waiting room and 5 minutes with your doctor, you’ll spend 45 minutes to an hour speaking with a more holistic-minded doctor.

They’ll assess your entire health history, your diet, your lifestyle, your medications, your supplements, and even your physical and emotional environment. You’ll likely be tested for food and environmental allergies, issues often overlooked in the conventional mode of healthcare.

My health was so poor by the time I stumbled into a naturopath’s office eleven years ago I was at my wit’s end. The man took one look at me and said that food was killing me. Turns out he was right. I have celiac disease and ITP. Since discovering the connection between food, environment, and health, I’ve made it my mission to inform others how much control they really have over their health.

If you’re suffering from chronic illness, you have other options besides continually trying to get the same doctor to believe you. If your doctor thinks you’re crazy, changing your approach with him may help but it will be difficult to turn things around if he refuses to be more open-minded.

Book an appointment with a naturopathic physician in your area or talk to an osteopathic physician online. Learn how you can heal the natural way without drugs and surgery. When you do this, you may be able to get off the prescription drug roller coaster and finally get on with your life!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Beauty Treatments to Prevent Skin Irritation

Skin irritation is a common problem and can be caused for a wide variety of reasons. If you have sensitive, irritated skin, it can be difficult to get the kind of look you want. Thankfully, there are plenty of natural beauty treatments that can soothe irritated skin and even prevent it from recurring.

  1. Eyebrow Threading
One of the best beauty treatments for skin irritation is eyebrow threading. Eyebrow threading gives you that “Hollywood Beauty” look without the bumps and redness that come with waxing, tweezing or sugaring. When you get your eyebrows (or other unwanted facial hair) threaded, you won’t be exposed to harsh chemicals or irritants. It uses only 100% pure cotton threads to quickly and efficiently pull the hair out by the root. The temporary discomfort is similar to tweezing only with threading you’re not pulling out skin!

  1. Shaving with Coconut Oil
Unsightly razor bumps are an embarrassment on the beach. To prevent skin irritation, shave with coconut oil instead of shaving cream. Not only will you completely eliminate harmful chemicals, you’ll experience a smoother, more even shave. Coconut oil is filled with lauric acid, a natural antiviral and anti-inflammatory that stops razor bumps and skin irritation before it gets started.

  1. Oatmeal and Yogurt Face Mask
Oatmeal and yogurt are two very soothing ingredients ideal for sensitive skin. To make it you’ll need 1 tablespoon of finely-ground oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of organic yogurt, and a couple drops of honey. Mix the yogurt and oatmeal together. Run a spoon under hot water for a few minutes and add the honey to warm it. Mix into the yogurt and oatmeal. Apply the mask to clean skin and leave on for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water followed by cold to tighten pores.

  1. Brown Sugar Body Scrub
You don’t have to spend a fortune to have healthy, glowing skin. A do-it-yourself brown sugar body scrub works just as well without the unnecessary chemicals. You’ll need 1 cup dark brown sugar, ½ cup extra virgin olive oil, 1 teaspoon of vitamin E, 1 teaspoon of citrus essential oil (or vanilla extract), and 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix the liquid ingredients together first, then add the dark brown sugar. Step into the shower, apply the body scrub, and rinse.

Note: Use rubbing alcohol in your tub afterward to cut the oil and slippage in the tub.

  1. Epsom Salt Baths
Epsom salt is a powerful natural detoxifying agent that can help prevent skin irritation. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate; a healing essential mineral millions of people are deficient in. When you soak in Epsom salt, you’re absorbing this essential nutrient into your pores, healing the inflammation that causes skin irritation. Add 1-2 cups of Epsom salt and a few drops of lavender to a hot bath and soak for twenty minutes. (If you are pregnant, diabetic or allergic sulfur, do not use Epsom salts.)

Beauty treatments don’t have to cost a fortune or risk your health to be effective. In addition to these beauty treatments, you may want to consider adding a good-quality probiotic to your diet. Probiotics improve your gut health, fight inflammation, and balance your immune system. They help heal your skin irritation from the inside out.

What is Healthy Food?

What is healthy food? That’s a good question. It’s not what you think it is. Too many food-like-product manufacturers try to convince you that what you’re picking up in the supermarket is good for you. They have fancy words like “fat free”, “diet”, and “natural” but they’re actually some of the worst things you can put into your body.

Discover Healthy Food by Reading Food Labels

One of the easiest and best things you can do to find healthy food is to read food labels. Not just the front of the box but the ingredient list on the back. If the food you selected has more than 5 ingredients or if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it’s not healthy food. Even if it’s granola, whole-wheat bread or yogurt!

Here are just 10 food additives you should avoid at all costs:

1.     Aspartame – A potent neurotoxin that can lead to MS
2.     High Fructose Corn Syrup – Caused the obesity epidemic
3.     MSG – An excitotoxin that over-stimulates brain cells to death
4.     Food Dyes – Causes hyperactivity and learning disorders
5.     Trans Fat – Leads to high cholesterol and heart attacks
6.     Nitrates/Nitrites – Responsible for colon cancer
7.     Potassium Bromate – Banned bread additive causes cancer
8.     Magnesium Stearate – Destroys your immune system
9.     BHT/BHA – Has been linked to cancer development
10.    Propylene Glycol – Causes heart and kidney problems

What is Healthy Food?

There’s a saying going around on health websites, “Don’t eat anything you’re great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” Healthy food is food that is filled with vital nutrients to keep your body running smoothly and stave off disease.

Here are some examples of healthy food:

  • Organic produce
  • Organic meat, poultry, and fish
  • Nuts, seeds, and legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Dairy (hard cheese, yogurt)
  • Healthy fat (coconut oil, olive oil)
This isn’t to say you can’t have any tasty snack foods when you’re trying to eat a healthy diet. It just means you have to read labels so you’re really know what you’re putting into your system. Your favorite band of potato chips or candy bar may be absolutely loaded with toxic chemicals you can easily avoid.

The next time you go to the grocery store, spend time reading the label on all the foods you commonly buy. If it contains more than 5 ingredients or if it contains any of the above-mentioned ingredients, put it back. The health food section of the store should have something similar to replace it with.  

Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to spend the rest of your life eating “rabbit food”. It’s more about being aware of what’s going into your body. Reading food labels, understanding ingredients, and knowing how to use food as fuel instead of a distraction, are your keys to lasting health and wellness.

When you decide to make healthy food a part of your life, don’t quit junk food cold turkey. Junk food is a drug you’re addicted to and suddenly stopping can cause serious side effects. Instead, get familiar with food labels and replace your junk food products one at a time over the course of a month or two.

You’ll be amazed at the difference in your health.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Treat Skin Inflammation with Natural Remedies

Skin inflammation is a common problem for many people. If you’re one of millions of people living with breakouts and itchy skin, there are natural remedies to help ease your pain.

Common Types of Skin Inflammation

  1. Acne
Acne isn’t just a teenage problem. Plenty of people over 30 are still struggling with embarrassing breakouts. Types of acne include whiteheads, blackheads, pustules, papules, and nodules.

  1. Eczema
Eczema is a chronic condition characterized by skin inflammation, itching, redness, swelling, and flakey outbreaks on the surface of the skin. Eczema is an autoimmune response to food and chemical sensitivities. Nearly 80% of atopic eczema begins before the age of 5 but eczema can also start in adulthood as well.

  1. Sun Allergy
Believe it or not, you can be allergic to the sun. Sun allergy affects millions of people and is characterized by itching, swelling, and hives on exposed skin after just a few minutes in the sunlight.

  1. Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis occurs when sensitive skin is exposed to certain soaps, dyes, perfumes, and clothing.

  1. Hives
15 to 20 percent of people are affected with hives at some point in their lives. It’s a type of skin inflammation that is often triggered by stress, food allergies, and chemical sensitivities.

Natural Remedies for Skin Inflammation

  1. Dietary Changes
Dietary changes can do a great deal to stop chronic skin inflammation. Cut back on the junk food and introduce some organic fruits, vegetables, beans, meat, poultry, and wild-caught fish to your diet. It will do wonders for your skin.

  1. Supplements
Oftentimes, chronic skin inflammation is a sign of poor digestion and a weakened immune system. Strengthen your immune system by adding a vitamin D3 supplement and a high-quality, preservative-free probiotic to your diet. Omega 3 krill oil can also help cut down on skin inflammation naturally by reducing inflammation from the inside out.

  1. Natural Topicals
Commercial anti-itch creams often contain unnecessary chemicals that can cause unwanted side effects. Instead, try using natural astringents like rubbing alcohol and witch hazel to sooth the itch and tone your skin. Coconut oil is a natural antibacterial and antioxidant that eases the discomfort of irritated skin and locks in moisture to provide a soothing, protective barrier.

Don’t just live with chronic skin inflammation. Treat it from the inside out with dietary changes and supplements while soothing your irritated skin with natural products. You’ll feel better in no time.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What to Do When Your Back Hurts

Many patients visit their doctors because back pain is diminishing their quality of life. If you’re one of millions of people whose back often hurts, you have more options than just living with it or depending on over-the-counter pain relief.

Why Your Back Hurts

The 5 most common causes of back pain are:

  1. Muscle Strains
A muscle strain could be the reason your back hurts. Oftentimes, you might not even know what caused the strain or spasm. You may twist wrong in your desk or wake up with the pain. Either way, muscle strains can severely impact your quality of life.

  1. Herniated Disc
A herniated disc often results from trauma such as a car accident or a physical strain such as lifting a too-heavy object. Bulging discs can cause pain, muscle weakness, tingling, muscle spasms, and shooting or radiating pain.

  1. Arthritis
Joint swelling around the neck, spine, and hip area could be another reason your back hurts. Symptoms of arthritic back pain include back pain that comes and goes, limited range of motion, numbness or tingling in the back, and stiffness upon waking.

  1. Sciatica
A pinched sciatic nerve can cause chronic back pain. The most common symptom associated with sciatica, however, is pain in one leg. The pain can be a combination of shooting, numbing, and tingling. Discomfort in the buttock and hip area is also experienced. A sharp, searing pain in the hip, buttock, and leg that comes and goes indicates sciatica. 

  1. Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis occurs as a person ages and the discs begin to become drier and start to bulge. This disease can be caused by a herniated disc, a congenital defect, bone disease, or injury to the nerve roots.

What to Do When Your Back Hurts

  1. Stretch
One of the easiest ways to treat chronic back pain is by continuing to keep your body limber through stretching exercises. Each day, make a point to gently stretch muscle group while breathing deeply through your nose. Yoga is a type of moving meditation that can help improve your muscle strength, mobility, and circulation.

  1. Bathe
Soaking in a hot bath filled with one or two cups of Epsom salts and lavender oil can do wonders for back pain. Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate and they work to draw out the lactic acid that builds up in sore, overworked muscles.

Note: If you are pregnant, diabetic, or allergic to sulfur, do not use Epsom salt except under the advice of a physician.

  1. Massage
Massage therapy is a wonderful natural way to treat your chronic back pain. Regular massage improves your circulation and helps release toxins in your body. Massage also helps boost those feel-good chemicals called serotonin while reducing the stress hormone, cortisol.

  1. Eat
You really can eat your way to less back pain. The more processed food you eat, the worse your chronic inflammation. So load up on organic vegetables, fruits, whole grains, meat, poultry, and wild-caught fish such as Alaskan salmon. Good fats like coconut oil, butter, olive oil, and avocado lubricate the joints and ease swelling and pain.

  1. Supplement
Adding natural supplements to your diet can also help limit the amount of times your back hurts.

The best supplements for back pain include:

  • Boswellia
Boswellia is a natural herb that works similarly to NSAID pain relievers but without the side effects. Boswellia works by reducing a substance called matrix metalloproteinase-3, which breaks down cartilage. For maximum absorption, take it with a meal that includes healthy fats.

  • Krill Oil
Krill oil is an essential fatty acid that helps reduce pro-inflammatory chemicals and ease joint pain and chronic inflammation. This sustainable fish oil also helps reduce feelings of anxiety and restlessness associated with chronic pain.

  • Arnica
Arnica is a perennial herb in the daisy family. It can be taken sublingually as a homeopathic remedy for back pain or used as a cream. When your back hurts, try running arnica gel at the site of the pain. Arnica reduces inflammation, repairs damaged tissue, and reduces swelling.

  • Magnesium
According to statistics, millions of people are deficient in this vital mineral. One of the primary symptoms of magnesium deficiency is chronic pain and inflammation. Adding a chelated magnesium supplement to your diet not only reduces pain but improves quality of sleep, which is vital when dealing with any kind of chronic pain condition.

NSAID pain relievers and prescription steroids can cause serious side effects. The next time your back hurts, consider your natural options. You’ll be amazed at how much better you’ll feel. 

Image courtesy of Ambro/

Friday, March 8, 2013

5 Causes of Chronic Inflammation

When you live with chronic inflammation, every day can be so hard to live through. As a chronic pain sufferer, it can sometimes be difficult to even get through the day without giving up. Once you understand the 5 common causes of chronic inflammation, you’ll be better able to keep it under control.

Chronic Inflammation – The Healing Process Gone Wrong

Inflammation is a natural part of your body’s healing process. When you become sick or injured, pro-inflammatory chemicals go to work to protect your body and perform cellular repair.

This type of inflammation is normal and goes away once the injury or sickness has been healed.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the immune system stays on high alert, protecting your body like a band of insomniac soldiers high on steroids and energy drinks.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is one of those things that kind of sneaks up on you. For example, you’ve been in a car accident and injured your shoulder. The pain and inflammation you feel is normal but should be only temporary. It goes away for a bit only to come back with a vengeance and start spreading to the rest of your back.

Within a few weeks or months, more symptoms develop such as:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Ongoing joint and muscle pain
  • Frequent infections 
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • High blood pressure
  • Gingivitis
  • Eczema and psoriasis
  • Allergies/hay fever
  • Food intolerance
  • Brain fog 
Chronic Inflammation – 5 Common Causes

Chronic inflammation is usually brought on by a severe illness, trauma or physical injury. This inflammation is then perpetuated by certain dietary and lifestyle factors.

These factors include:

  1. Diet
What you eat has a direct effect on how much chronic pain you feel on a daily basis. Processed food is filled with toxic chemicals, additives, dyes, and synthetic sweeteners that force your immune system to stay on high alert defending you. All of these chemicals are horrible for your health and will only make your chronic inflammation much worse.

In order to stave off chronic inflammation, you must eat anti-inflammatory foods. This means whole foods like organic vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, seeds, poultry, and wild-caught non-GMO salmon.

Also, a key component in chronic inflammation is food intolerance. Gluten and lactose foods are pro-inflammatory and often make chronic pain conditions worse. Try cutting gluten and lactose products from your diet for a period of 8 weeks to see if symptoms improve.

Corn, soy, and red meat are also pro-inflammatory, especially when grown or raised conventionally. Most corn and soy is genetically modified, which means every time you eat them, you’re putting pesticides in your body. Conventionally-raised beef are filled with antibiotics, growth hormones, and pesticides best avoided by any chronic pain sufferer.

  1. Vitamin Deficiencies
A poor diet and poor digestion often contribute to vitamin deficiencies. Vitamin D deficiency and magnesium deficiency are the two most common nutrient deficiencies in the United States and Canada. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system and magnesium deficiency often cause neurological problems. Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency is another contributor to chronic inflammation.

  1. Toxins
Toxins are a commonly-overlooked contributor to chronic inflammation. Everything from the make-up you wear to the cleaning products you clean your home with are filled with poisons that keep your immune system working overtime.

For example, Triclosan. Triclosan is a synthetic antibacterial agent that has been linked to hormone disruption, thyroid disease, neurological disturbances, infertility, and autoimmune disease. Formaldehyde, commonly found in cleaning products, has been associated with severe allergic reaction, weakened immune system, and lymphatic cancers.

  1. Stress
If you’ve ever heard the term, “stress kills”, it’s absolutely true. When you’re body is over-stressed and over-tired, your adrenal glands work overtime to pump pro-inflammatory chemicals like cortisol, epinephrine, and norepinephrine into your body. It’s a leading and oft-overlooked cause of chronic inflammation.

  1. Insomnia
When you’re in pain you can’t sleep and when you can’t sleep you experience more pain. It’s a vicious cycle. This is why people who live with chronic inflammation should invest in a good quality chelated magnesium supplement. Magnesium helps ease neurological distress and improves quality of sleep.

You don’t have to live with the pain of chronic inflammation anymore. Treat the symptoms of inflammation by understanding the cause. Remember, diet is very important. Once you begin sticking to an anti-inflammatory diet you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Salmon Fights Chronic Inflammation

Salmon is good for chronic inflammation but only if you choose the right kid. Find out how you can eat your way to better health.

What is Chronic Inflammation?

Inflammation is a normal part of the healing process when you’re sick or injured. It is the immune system’s way of protecting the injured area and regenerating new cells. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, the body attacks healthy cells and debilitating disease results.

Symptoms of Chronic Inflammation

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you?

  • Frequent infections
  • Digestive problems
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Eczema/psoriasis
  • Aches and pains
  • Sinus problems
  • Swelling/stiffness
  • Weight gain/obesity
  • Dry eyes/mouth
Salmon - Good for Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is usually the result of poor diet, food allergies, low stomach acid, prescription drugs, vaccinations, trauma, and stress. When your digestion is poor and your inflammation is up, there are certain foods you have to avoid and others you should load your plate with. To beat chronic inflammation, you need to eliminate all processed foods from your diet right away and eat whole foods instead.

One of the best whole foods you can eat is salmon. Salmon is a salt water fish that helps fight chronic inflammation with its rich content of essential omega 3 fatty acids. When salmon feed on red algae, they absorb astaxanthin into their muscle tissues. This powerful antioxidant helps heal the body on a deep cellular level.

Eating salmon reduces chronic inflammation by inhibiting pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines. The bioactive peptides in salmon protect delicate joint and muscle tissue while stabilizing the balance of cartilage and minerals in the body’s tissues.

Salmon also helps treat the mood swings and depression associated with chronic inflammation by reducing brain inflammation and improving overall cognitive function.

The Wrong Salmon Makes Chronic Inflammation Worse

You don’t want farm-raised fish. Farm-raised salmon is filled with antibiotics, growth hormones, pesticides, additives, preservatives, and colorants that wreck havoc with your immune system. If you eat farm-raised salmon, you’re only going to make your chronic inflammation that much worse.

Organic Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon – The Best Fish to Eat

In order to reap the health benefits of salmon, it is important you choose the right kind. Wild-caught organic Alaskan salmon is the best type of salmon money can buy. It is filled with high doses of healing omega-3 acids your body can easily absorb and make use of. It contains no colorants, hormones, antibiotics, fillers or binders. Just pure nutrition your aching body so desperately needs.

The scary thing about buying salmon from a grocery store is you’re never really sure what you’re going to get. Even if it says “wild-caught” on the package, you could still be bringing home fish that’s been raised on a farm.

That means even if you think you’re eating healthy, you’re actually getting antibiotics and pesticides in every bite! This is especially true if you purchase salmon during the winter months.

If you want to beat chronic inflammation, you have to let your medicine be your food. This means purchasing your wild-caught salmon from a reputable and trusted source. Vital Choice offers a wide variety of 100% organic products for you and your family.

You don’t have to live with chronic pain and inflammation. A whole new world of health and happiness can be yours when you heal your body through the right diet.